happy new year doods.
2008 was just yesterday yeah.
current mood is very sleepy and tired and all other things associated with not sleeping the night before.
It was an exceptionally special way to spend time for the new year.Walking around town has never been this fun.You got to see sights that you never expected to see on an average wednesday night out,only that the place becomes filthier as the time passes and dawn breaks.Macdonald's trash cups and plastic bags can be seen lined on the steps of marina square.
I first reached the cafe cartel with them almost done with their dinner.Had a cuppa water and then they decided to head down to orchard road,to chill.Orchard road was quite an okay place,other than the fact that little punks colonised most of the streets when time was reaching the next year.But that i didn't care.Introduced them to the three bucks coffee which you could get down at gloria jeans.they didn't like it.They had quite a time irritating me out there though.
Fireworks there was great,i especially liked the red ones and those that dispersed.
Then i suggested the tau huay place down at paradiz area.So we got out of our seats and decided to take the long walk,as usual with jw complaining.And so then,it was quite some time past midnight and some foreign workers decided to celebrate the new year by spraying foam at passerbys.Managed to dodged them but others weren't so lucky.I bet they took the advantage to do cheeky stuff by spraying at girls which were walking around and i felt rather pissy at this point.
We spend each hour of the new year in a different place,with jiawei taking naps in between each of them.First hour was the walk towards paradiz centre.It wasn't that much a relaxing one though.I have never felt so adrenaline-rushing for this walk before.Some punks decided to teach these pesky foreign workers a lesson i guess and they took time to hunt them down.Whoa,like stag season yeah.and we manage to hide at the busstop down at le meridien to catch the show. Second hour or so was spent at the tau huay shop near paradiz centre.It was a good and healthy midnight snack.just so that you excluded the dough fritters which we never got to order cause it was always out of stocks or i suppose they stopped frying them.
Second hour to the third was spent looking for Mr tea. at SMU.
Clearly,it would have been closed at such an unearthly hour.So we decided to lepak at Laselle.It was a good place,the grass patch.We spent a good one and an half hour there until we got evicted out fo the prohibited place by a security guard.
It was emo time over there,thinking back on how 2008 went and the oh-so-populaire topic of my failure.Pwahlao,for a whole year they have been talking about it man.And as usual,i felted....wasted.
Third hour.National Library.Met a second security guard,but this guy was friendlier,giving us a gentle reminder not to lie and sleep.then,They felt their stomach growling and decided to walk to suntec to grab some macs.Went past Bras basah,and i swear i have never seen so many people got drunk and wasted in my life before.you can see people holding their friends.and some stranger dude can be seen sleeping outside raffles hotel's aisle like so happily in his sleep,not knowing that he could be robbed of his watch and wallet.
MS was quite good,and we decided to sit at the steps when the mall was closed.Suntec wasnt quite an option cause the macs is deeper inside the mall.
At the steps,we saw people shuffling to the music brought by a guy.
By this time,my energy was draining off pretty much already.Checked out macs to see if it was open at five plus.and hell,it was opened the whole time.but i justed took a lil nap over there while the other guys ate.
And i got more and more tired as time passed.In the end,took 51 home and pwahlao,at 7 plus,you could still see people wasting away near my house.wtf man!
And i am-so-happy!
Seeing people that you know or you hadn't seen for a long time really makes you feel so much better.Saw weiren at gwc's busstop,issac at city hall's mrt station.
And the best of all,i saw goldfish!for two consecutive days at FC1!