Monday, January 12, 2009


It was kinda like a routine dinner.with family
and you spend it just like any other birthdays in your life,sitting there,eating what you like in a buffet spread,and suddenly,the restaurant's music changed to a happy birthday song.
Seriously,i was rather surprised,and i was sure that it wasn't arranged by my parents.So,it appeared that someone else in the restaurant has the same birthday as me.
But i felt kinda good,hearing a birthday song,last time i heard it was last year,in was seriously good.
ok,plain dinner.On the other hand,it felt,18 already.and you're spending it like any other
day of your life,and you seem to have spent time with everyone else in your life,teammates,friends,family.and somehow,you're lacking the other person whom you have never had a dinner with,went out together before.not to include that screwed up thing last year.
well,sometimes,paths just don't cut.

And i could just place this matter,at the back of my head,and think of it every once in a while,not everytime,to prevent it from taking up too much emotions in my mind and affecting my performance.


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