Monday, January 26, 2009

Small World

As usual,family gatherings.Have found it rather boring to be left out at a side in a corner at my mum's gmom place,so i decided to sit down on a chair and listen to their convo.
Something struck me,when i saw that somehow familiar face.I told myself that if i saw a person once,and i see them again,it would definitely be a correct ID.Truth came when mum spoke about sports and said that her kid is in canoeing and the other auntie compared it to her daughter who's in SP touch rug,i sense a familiarity to the face and i was convinced that i saw her before at FC6 and several times around the track.

I thought of a few things today and after speaking my mind,i decided that the few things were rather insignificant,so i shan't bother about can relacccc...

visiting tomorrow again..skool's gonna 2 days.
revision begins then..
till then...


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