Thursday, February 26, 2009

high-rised living

looking at the rate of how singapore's development is going,we are gonna get into some serious high-rised living soon.very very much like japan.though i haven't been to the land of the rising sun.
now,you get buildings which are higher than they are wide,so you actually have a false impression that you're in a really big complex.

i had the opportunity of going to such places today.first being the new mall down at clementi central,which until now,i have visited twice and i have no idea of its name.
had lunch at ramen ten with the class,apparently with a few missing people.
the food was okay la.but i like the ambience,its been such a long time since the whole class managed to sit together,well not exactly together la.and its really nice to talk to people who you seem to have neglected due to your commitments during normal school days.

and example no. two.regency suites at tiong.i manage to get into the condo via a friend and use their boh,sia la.steam bath was damn good.i swear.
and i came out really relaxed.and i never felt this good before.
and guess what,the facilities were located on the fifth floor.not the first.and the gym was super small,almost the size of a living room.but the weights were damn cool(adjustable).

and i'm damn beat now.gonna shut down soon.i guess my body needs rest too:)

high-rised living

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

this is your show

tired day.
started off with rowing in the morning and then tried to study in the library when i got back to school.but i felt asleep awhile after,after seeing all the sums and numbers.
had gym session in the evening and it was a killer.guess this is the result of not going to the gym for almost one months.pullups also chui already.
and the briefing done by the captain was also a stressor.only manage to made me more kan chiong.about the upcoming events.

and after thursday is gonna be hellish week.not to say the 4 day camp which i'm gonna attend which will hamper my training plans.
i guess i won't be going for c-1 races for mr500.lets just say,let my time trials do the talking.

i wanna hang out..soon but its always a one side free,one side not free thing.and with all my trainings jammed packed like that.and with only wednesday nights,monday nights and the whole of friday free,i guess i will be wasting alot of my time on my own again.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


C-1 500m.
talk about having just one week to train.and competing beside all the little boys from SJI or what nots.
stress building up again.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Grey's Anatomy

Next up,Anatomy and physiology.
really burned out and dont feel like studying it.
and.its so borrrriiinngggg.i think people who like it tends to laugh at their own jokes.;)

somehow it really feels like shit during exams period,but i think i will feel down and lost when exams a long winding road and you have lots of time to spare and you havent made up your mind on how to spend it.
i think i shall draw out a holiday plan,a to-do lists.
like what movies i'm gonna watch,what buffet i'm gonna eat next,where i'm going to go this holidays.morning exercise all those things.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Like a Worm

went for morning row today.despite only having like tentatively 2 hours of sleep the night before.was thinking of alot of nonsense stuffs,like ideas for a new tank,and oh,soooo exciting tmr,first water training in so many weeks.
and the results,like shit.stroking disappeared.morale fell,and best of all,the water was wavy.
and literally,like a worm!

and best thing of all when i got home,i was surprised to see my lil shrimp,which i released into the tank yesterday night,still surviving.and it was adhered to one of the tank's walls,don't know,i picked at it and it went back into the water.
thats when i decided to relieve myself at the toilet.
when i came back.i saw the goby chasing away the wrasse.which was pretty weird cause he didnt do that usually.and when i saw the wrasse's lips,bloody hell,it was a piece of the shrimp.and my other wrasse was always picking at another body part.
so,the fish literally wacked the hell out of the shrimp,and i thought they were invertebrates safe.
go fuck off and die.
morale of the story,never get wrasses for inverts aquarium.period!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


was on the net past few days,well and you could say instead of researching on my coursework,i was researching on people's reactions towards this product.
finally,one paper down.i really studied pretty diligently for this paper.and i think i would be quite upset if i dont manage to score least a C,not very demanding i must say.

oh,and i saw the celebrity chef sam leong while i was waiting for my bus at commonwealth station.i saw him from afar,and thought that he looks familiar.when he walked closer,he was looking at some stuffs at the mamak shop and i confirmed that its him.
he dressed quite normally,like many other passerbys on the road,no attitude dressing.just a plain white shirt.
i wonder why wasnt he in a car driving around and instead he was waiting for a bus.

and i opened my jar of marmite today.mixed it with hard-boiled eggs.wah.the taste and aroma is seriosuly unique!
i don't hate it.and i don't particularly like it also.fine with me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

know your temperment

did a quiz few years back.
i got this
You Have a Melancholic Temperament

IPB Image

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

Today,i did it again.
and i got this.
You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament
Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.

It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.

At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

so which one do you think is more true?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

i seem to like being tagged in notes on FB

Do this and repost it with the title:
I've done XX(number of things) out of the 132 stupid things.

Level 1
() Smoked A Cigarette
() Smoked A Cigar
() Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) Drank Alcohol


Level 2
(X) Are / Been In Love
(X) Been Dumped
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been Fired
() Been In A Fist Fight


Level 4
() Had A Crush On An Older Person
(X) Skipped School
() Slept With A Co-worker
(X)Seen Someone / Something Die


Level 5
(X) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
() Been To Paris
() Been To Spain
(X)Been On A Plane
(X)Thrown Up From Drinking(i know its loser shit)


Level 6
(X) Eaten Sushi
() Been Snowboarding
() Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
() Been in a Mosh Pit(lucky not Xd)


Level 7
() Been In An Abusive Relationship
(X) Taken Pain Killers
(XXX) Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
(X) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
() Made A Snow Angel

SO FAR: 12

Level 8
() Had A Tea Party
(X) Flown A Kite
(X) Built A Sand Castle
() Gone mudding (offroading)
() Played Dress Up

SO FAR: 14

Level 9
() Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
() Gone Sledging
(X) Cheated While Playing A Game
(XXXXX) Been Lonely
(XXXXX) Fallen Asleep At Work / School

SO FAR: 17

Level 10
(X)Watched The Sun Set
(X) Felt An Earthquake(yep,that faithful night in which sumatra had a large ricter quake)
( ) Killed A Snake

SO FAR: 19

Level 11
(X) Been Tickled
(X) Been Robbed / Vandalized(that was the worst time ever,most embarrassing moment)
() Been cheated on
(X) Been Misunderstood

SO FAR: 22

Level 12
(X) Won A Contest
() Been Suspended From School
(X) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident

SO FAR: 24

Level 13
() Had / Have Braces
() Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
() Danced in the moonlight(not moonlight,more like multi-purpose hall.)

SO FAR: 24

Level 14
(X) Hated The Way You Look(that was when i was young and i felt rather inferior)
(X) Witnessed A Crime(at fucking bugis and it was a snatch thief)
() Pole Danced
(X) Questioned Your Heart
() Been obsessed with post-it-notes

SO FAR: 27

Level 15
(X) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(X) Been Lost(often,when i wandered off alone,especially so in neighbouring countries when i see something interesting)
() Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
() Swam In The Ocean
(X) Felt Like You Were Dying(i felt sick for a long time and i wondered if i had cancer.(touch wood)funny thought)

SO FAR: 30

Level 16
() Cried Yourself To Sleep(cried when i was gonna sleep though)
() Played Cops And Robbers(cant remember,been ages since i last played)
() Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(X) Sang karaoke(and i was rather terrible,hearing my low-pitched voice over the microphone)
() Paid For A Meal With Only Coins

SO FAR: 31

Level 17
(X) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't(yep,many times.temptations)
() Made a Prank Phone Call
(XXXX) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose(yeah,soup!hahahaha)
() Kissed In The Rain( romantic,sadly not)

SO FAR: 33

Level 18
(X) Written A Letter To Santa Claus(when i was very little and i saw it from TV)
() Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About(how i wished)
(X) Blown Bubbles
(X) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere(yeah NCC camp(= )

SO FAR: 36

Level 19
() Crashed A Party
() Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
() Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(X) Had A Wish Come True(think muhd say,i don't even know what i want)
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey(fucking disgusting.that must've sucked)

SO FAR: 37

Level 20
() Worn Pearls
(X) Jumped Off A Bridge(jetty,anyone?)
(X) Screamed "Penis" or "Vagina"(in hokkien XD)
() Swam With Dolphins(i want!!!!)

SO FAR: 39

Level 22
(XXX) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube(once,i tried freezing the key and i tried to lick it,tongue got stuck and it bled.never gonna do it ever again!)
( ) Kissed A Fish
(X) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes(i think when i was little,i liked wearing this dress-like shirt which was like a one piece thing.Until my mum told me that it was a girl's apparel)
() Sat On A Roof Top

SO FAR: 41

Level 23
(X) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs(NCC,yeah!hahahaha)
(X) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel(failed.hahaha)
() Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours(this must have sucked.your shoulders must've ached like shit,wouldnt do that even if she's a gf,i would suggest to go for coffee,or maybe not so longgg,say 4 hours max)
(X) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about(i think so.)

SO FAR: 44

Level 24
() Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
() Climbed A Tree
() Had/Been In A Tree House(i want!)
(X) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone(yeah,especially when i was young and i thought chinese vampires in eunuch's apparel existed.they were so freaky then.and until now,the feeling's still around,though not so much)

SO FAR: 45

Level 25
(X)Believed In Ghosts
() Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
() Gone Streaking
( ) Visited Jail

SO FAR: 46

Level 26
( ) Played Chicken
() Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on(heng ah!)
(X) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger(yeah.this incident which i vividly remember few years back at vivo when i was with hf and penny,and penny told me that there's this girl a few metres away who commented to her friend that i was charming.and it pretty much raised my spirits that day.but well,it hadn't had much impact in my life)
( ) Broken A Bone
(X) Been Easily Amused(i used to laugh at the slightest thing for a period of my life)

SO FAR: 48

Level 27
() Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
() Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one(i won't mind if it was a hot jap/taiwan chick and that precautions were made and that the film was not publicized but i think what i just wrote is impossible)
() Caught A Butterfly
() Laughed So Hard You Cried(stomach ache,yes)
() Cried So Hard You Laughed

SO FAR: 48

Level 28
() Mooned/Flashed Someone
() Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(X) Cheated On A Test
(X) Forgotten Someone's Name(yeah,until now...hai)
() French Braided Someone's Hair
() Gone Skinny Dipping
() Been Kicked Out Of Your House
() Tried to hurt yourself

SO FAR: 50

Level 29
() Rode A Roller Coaster
() Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling(i wanna try soon)
() Had A Cavity
() Black-Mailed Someone
() Been Black Mailed

SO FAR: 50

Level 31
(X) Been Used(emotionally i guess.foolish then..)
() Fell Going Up The Stairs
() Licked A Cat
(X) Bitten Someone(when i was young and i fought with my sibling)
() Licked Someone

SO FAR: 52

Level 32
() Been shot at/or at gunpoint
() Had sex in the rain(quite nice i guess)
() Flattened someones tires
() Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on
() Got five dollars or less worth of gas

The clock ticks life away

day began with CRS test.
and we proceeded to have lunch at FC6 and it was empty......worst case scenario.zzzzz.
and we found out that kamil was such a tech-geek when he whipped out his macbook and had programs to stream movies.cooliozzzzzz.and he's finally got his ipod touch!
and i discussed about dead's man chest with him cause i just caught it yesterday.when i was bored...

and joseph's per normal..

after school studying was not very productive with the clique.
ended up having weasel coffee and trung nguyen cafe.and i swear that the chicken mushroom pie is fucking awesome.gonna have it another day!!!

and i wont ever have botak jones again.period!
the alaskan pollock just drained all my willingness to return back there.thanks alot)=

and i have been feeling rather down the past few days.ever since the mention of the incident.
when is should be studying in the first place..zzzz

and i changed the blog title.remembered mervin saying that it sounded abit gay after seeing it for too long,plus i am pretty sick of the phrase.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


i am so damn bored.
i feel like i have everything covered,feels like only!anatomy is still a good way behind.maths...uh.dont need to say.bsbm..well,after going through the test,i suppose i just need to brush up on the previous term's work.and chemistry..ahh.havent touched it this weekend.

and i'm bored..i wanna go outtttttt

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Coach:eh,nigel!c-boats do 10k.

called me nigel again.i guess people wearing spectacles do resemble one another.
did a 8km,last 2km was left for the wind;)head started to spin on the 6thkm,old problem.headache.the wind was rather strong at the usual places.tried different styles of entering my paddle,but the sound still came out.
Apparently,ann chun sprained his back,i told him he exerted too much brute force already..
and the most embarrasing thing happened to me while going up 1km,i saw some guy,on a light blue C-1.guessed that he was probably a cjcian,and when i went closer."Oh,phelan".mann...this guy's stroke is better than the rest,and he was able to sprint.but his posture doesnt look i saw him starting to sprint off.and i attempted."plonk"capsized..
and mind you,my head was already spinning by that time,and i was on my 7thkm.
luckily,mervin and willy were coming up to 1km.

oh,and i was studying on the topic of heat when i saw thie thing called basal metabolic rate(BMR),decided to google it and check out mine.
You have a BMR of 1509.7.

and on the topic of body fats and botak jones.
You have a Body Fat Percentage of 10.48%.

Body Fat Percentage Categories
ClassificationWomen (% fat)Men (% fat)
Essential Fat10-12%2-4%
just 3 more %


Friday, February 06, 2009


past few days have been spent,struggling to study for consecutive tests.and finally got a minor break yesterday.have to get the engines cracking again tonight for the upcoming monday's anatomy and physics test.

oh,penny mentioned about this movie to me quite some time ago,and i saw the OST at HMV yesterday,so i finally managed to set my sights and time down to watch it.Its very nice,heart-warming and very much gives the same feeling like how love,actually would make a person feel.
fan yi chen was the typical cool guy and a lonely girl who's abroad working falls for him,at the same time with a love story spanning over few decades unfolding.
well,gonna watch it again when i have time.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Secret Unraveled.

Had just finished offerings.
Its wonderous and amazing how such a family affair can turn tables and reveal many secrets of the family.
And,yearly,the crowd;s getting smaller and smaller.
But for me,whenever there's food=chiong nevermind.

but wells,jia jia you ben nan nian de jin

Sunday, February 01, 2009

i'm gonna die

dead for excel.retest.
non of those excel terms seem to get into my head.
and exams are a good 2 weeks away.and my head's still spinning.....damn it....
maybe i need an incision through the prefrontal cortex,a cut in the pineal gland to reduce the amount of melatonin produced.and to stimulate the pituitary gland so that i can sweat more.and also,my hypothalamus should be soaked in concentrated HCL so that all the axons and nerve impulses are killed.and that the myelin sheath can be burnt off.


somehow,i feel that msn restricts my chain of thoughts and its a thief which steals my blog posts.what could have been in here was msned to my friend.