Tuesday, February 17, 2009


was on the net past few days,well and you could say instead of researching on my coursework,i was researching on people's reactions towards this product.
finally,one paper down.i really studied pretty diligently for this paper.and i think i would be quite upset if i dont manage to score well.at least a C,not very demanding i must say.

oh,and i saw the celebrity chef sam leong while i was waiting for my bus at commonwealth station.i saw him from afar,and thought that he looks familiar.when he walked closer,he was looking at some stuffs at the mamak shop and i confirmed that its him.
he dressed quite normally,like many other passerbys on the road,no attitude dressing.just a plain white shirt.
i wonder why wasnt he in a car driving around and instead he was waiting for a bus.

and i opened my jar of marmite today.mixed it with hard-boiled eggs.wah.the taste and aroma is seriosuly unique!
i don't hate it.and i don't particularly like it also.fine with me.


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