Monday, June 22, 2009

when we were young

the picnic was great,very enjoyable.there were so much food that i thought there wasnt enough at first.its been so long since so many of us could go out together like this,if i remembered correctly,the last one was class bbq or something.Surprisingly enough,time don't fly that fast when i am with these guys.They make life so much simpler,so much more easy to understand and so much hassle-free,like you could speak your mind or anything and nobody really puts it to heart.
I know i have been saying this for quite some time now,but i really want to spend more of my fraction of my time with these guys or those around me,i miss going out in fours,having meals together,going to the zoo or sentosa or whatever i could be.and the more time i spend with them,the more i think about how i could have used up my other times in a more "friend,go out"manner.
I took some of my time,to speak to some of them,more specifically,most of the guys.Nothing much really changed,eugene's still the same guy since he got into college,poon is still mr.joker.brian's still getting made fun of,mitchell is still mrbigguy,jw and glen are still idiotic as always,ivan's still the same as ever.and i guess i'm still waterboy;)
well,photos will be up when they are on FB i guess.


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