Tuesday, June 16, 2009

you look so beautiful today

damn!my bills exploded for this month.and i can't imagine the exorbitant bills M1 charges.gonna change subscriber soon.damnit.didn't know outgoing calls could result in so much charges.i thought they had some free XX mins outgoing..cheesepie.

and i thought about some things over training again today.damn.what should i do when i meet such people in the workforce next time.its somehow inevitable..maybe i should just guailan back.and in order to do this,i gotta have the balls.and thats what deters me from so many things in life at the moment...

damn tired today.and i gotta think of how to settle the newater report fast...before i continue on mol bio.

分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想过
我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够给我


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