Friday, June 12, 2009


had been sleeping rather late the past few days.leaving home early in the morning for training and coming back late in the night.had reluctantly,and also under tired conditions,managed to skip a day's training and to give my body time to rest from the 5 days of continuous trainings.

class outing today,the day passed rather quick.met them at 11 plus,had a fucking waste time tour around newwater plant.and i only managed to take 2 of their nicely bottled water off the free for all racks.bbq was rather incomplete without chicken wings.but had a great time overall.all thanks to "all wave to the god".i think i have a great class.although we all understand that everyone else has their own personal commitment etc,however,we still manage to fit some time into our busy schedule for the sake of the CLASS.indefinitely,this is something way different from sec school days.everyone understands this fact,except me.Of which i admit that i still think like how i am in sec sch days.well probably this is a good thing,or a bad thing..


was at sheng shiong today when the radio suddenly played fan wei qi's shi fei ti.i first came across it few years back,since i switched to my ipod,i lost this song.i think rather few people knows that i have a thing with chinese songs,esp those by these female singers.


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