Saturday, April 04, 2009

t.e.a.m. (more than it meets the eye)

working together as a team may not be as easy as saying it may be easy,initially.After some time,when the "thing" wears off and people's true shades start to show,its a matter of how you cope and react to one another's reaction that is the real gist.You can forget about all those cheering up and caring talks which will bring you morale high.and drop you really high too.
This is especially so when someone in the team attempts to bring up a point or to get across his/her idea,and the reaction of the others in the team is even more important.
I feel that this is even worse in sports team,where everyone trains together,and you know how bad it can get when someone's tired and someone else is trying to put across a point which you personally don't really agree to.And the extent of tiredness also affects how well you accept the idea being put across.

i don't really know why i'm feeling this.maybe because i'm tired,after having a tough training in the morning.but i feel that i'm wasting my every saturday by hanging out with my friends in town,doing worthless things like lan gaming or pooling.but what else is there to do man?i don't know what part in life am i missing.but there's just something missing,something left out after exhausting out all the legal activities to do on a saturday night...


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