Saturday, March 07, 2009


speed=(catchlength*power)+stroke rate+resistance

today was a hectic day down at MacR.people were everywhere and everyone else were doing sprints.except for SP's C1s.

had received a message from aquaculture gabriel lam this morning after rowing.this was what the text wrote.
to jiahong,hey thanks for coming to this camp and guess this is the 2nd activity you have participated for aquaculture.hehe.btw,i really appreciate everything you have put would have been less cheerful without you and beside that,i wanna say please do speak up frequently and don't be afraid because you are who you are and at the end of the day,you are only answerable to yourself and none other.You have alot of potential in many area and i saw it.So don't ever restrict yourself.btw,i regretted not pushing you hard enough into involving in aquaculture.

with best regards,gabriel lam zheng hong

its really nice to receive such texts and i appreciate it,for its only one week more to emotional boost for my morale.not to mention that it was really nice to hear compliments from others though i don't really mind complaints too.i shall apply it to the comm and the upcoming MR.though its really not easy i must say.


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