Friday, March 06, 2009


got back this noon to a partially different feeling house today.have spent 4 days camping outdoors,sleeping in damp tents(not exactly for the whole 4 days),having instant noodles for practically every meal cept breakfast,showering in my undies and not in the nude,eating from mess tins with utensils slipping into the soup every now and then and complaining to myself everytime an emergency alternative is not available.
it was great,made quite a lot of new friends,and didn't realise that SP was actually this big.i think i kept myself in my biotech+canoeing shell for quite a long time already.

now,its life back to normal.and i feel that i need some time to adapt back the change of busy schdueles.
and i learnt quite a no. of life skills.essential for living in the outside.haha
till then..


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