Wednesday, April 01, 2009


felt rather shittish when i was on the car to mac this morning.firstly,training made me really tired and i can't imagine myself doing distance again today.
but when i got there,i saw mr lie.sitting alone.outside the shed.listening to his hopeless nano.
placed my bag down.and went to use porta pumpers.the orange last few.saw zj going down and he probably missed me cause he was on his earphones too.
above the toilet bowl was a sign which read"flush before and after use".
i tried flushing before i peed and i got was stinkbomb so i decided to just flush after use.
went up.loncle came then benny came.and then the keys and took out the boats.still feeling rather shittish.and wasnt around yet so i did warmups of 2x500m.still feeling quite okay.and then tried out the strokes.
coach came.went to pontoon.and told us to do 2km.and he said that he will take out a c-1 and go along with us.felt shocked and equally anticipating the appearance of the baby blue boat.and then,did maneuvering along the buoys till 500m.and then down again.and he taught us a couple of new strokes.tried it out and he said that i was too stiff.until i managed to capsize and tried it out in a more relaxed manner.
today's training wasnt that bad.and i felt good after attending.and probably,it was a somewhat different session.something more intimate.and more experiencing.


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