Wednesday, March 11, 2009


i feel damn drained.
somehow,i think going out with the guys would have been a better choice.maybe.
i was on the bus just now,heading back home from town.bus was packed like sardines.(dick club)
and i was on my ipod when i overheard this guy having a conversation with his ex-classmates.apparently,he called out to her and coincidentally,they met on the bus.quite ironic meeting.guy was serving NS,girl was in uni,to be exact,NUS.guy asks girl how shes's doing and blah blah blah.guy was not bad looking,abit like farhan.girl was also not bad looking,quite dressy.they mentioned about how things have been.and he asks her if she's gonna find a decent job.and he says,isn't that what everyone is looking for?
i wished i had this kind of meeting with my feels so nostalgic.

i need to find new kakis,new friends.i feel so restricted in my own cooped up.
and somehow,i need to change my attitude,i just don't know why am i so explosive during trainings.well,it takes time to change i guess,i must just tone down.and relax...


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