Tuesday, September 02, 2008

spill the beans

towned today.
had been a long time since i breathed orchard air.not that the air there is exceptionally nice to breathe.began at FEP,and went all the way to cine in the evening.
well...what did i do at FEP?
hmm,people watched and got my pair of small studs again.was very surprised when i was recognised by a salesgirl over at one of the shop.she identified herself as yijun.and on the spot,i tried to recall and yijun in my pri skl days...haha.the only yijun i could recall was the one in 4/3 from ntss..you know how elated i was when i was recognised by a girl.hahah.on the streets somemore.hahaha
oh.and i saw lisa while we were having half priced waffles over at gelare.tell you smth.GELARE ROCKS!the waffles is soooooo smooth.and i presume lisa was from crescent.

and you know how emo like get whenever i go pass dress shops like potpourri or mphosis.or whenever i see long flowly dresses.how i hope that my gf next time will be able to wear them and how pretty she will be..wahhhhh..siaaaa!!!
and deng lin actually remembers who am i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO LONG AGO!


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