Friday, August 29, 2008

rubbish day

i feel so damn bad leaving my guys friends for the 2/3 clique today.but well,i've promised can i forget what i thought of initially.cause its a few weeks back and i told myself.hey.teacher's day round the corner right..oh man...its been some time since i spoke to my class's guys..i shall catch up with them soon.but today!haiii.nvm..till next time

i cant really feel like writing much today.very hyper these days.which i think its abit over.
i really like today.but i cant stand crowds.esp when i feel damn shack after training.

its the sem break.this is the best time to train!
train up your c-boat.
you have a total of 7*6 weeks=42 days to train up.(wahlao,machiam survival sia)
i will try to go .but i dont think practically everyday.
i dont want to get injured again!

WTF?why the change?why so many changes happen?


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