Thursday, August 07, 2008

was tagged by PENNY aka boss to do this

"My Gender and 7 Things I Want in A Partner"


1.due to my recent fickiness with my height and that i find that i'm too short for a guy.i can conclude that my partner should not be taller than me.and with heels even!LOL.the reason well,is simple...which guy would want his partner to be taller than him?okay.i guess this is a bit chauvinistic.very in fact.
but i will probably stand by this.probably until when someone of the same calibre sweeps me off my feet again.probably in a gazillion years?haha

2.i am pretty particular about my partner even though i'm so sui bian with so many things even making friends and making out.but i came to realise that i won't want a partner who wears a skirt and revealing top and bottom everyday even though its in trend now.
i talk in rather complicate make it simpler,trends are trends and that some staples such as jeans and tees combinations should still be observed in my partner.

3.probably someone who can tolerate my sudden utter of randomnesss stuff or i could share my wikied articles with.and that person should also be able to take my over the counter worries which are probably too exceesive for an alpha-male.

4.ahh god many things already and i'm only stuck at 4.
okay.if i am ever going to stay in canoeing.that is,if i am able to cope with it along with my course.
i would like her to be able to understand the meaning of own life.its like sometimes some people need their own life you have the prerogative to spend 24/7 with your partner.sometimes,you need your wkends to yourself and your kin.

5.i don't want to be overly obsessed with least must be able to look presentable.probably something like a girl-next-door kind of person.not too overdone with makeups and also not too underdressed.tall and skinny is okay.but i guess not short and stout.

6.judging from my past rejections and experiences.i must say that i am not a really easy person to live with initially.i am very weak in the area of self-confidence and i lack the mental ability to endure and pass hurdles.i sincerely hope that the partner if able to understand this and guide me or happens to be in the same situation and we could tide these thigns over together.

7.i miss her!
very long ago.and won't mind knowing you back even as a friend.
mishappenings and pretty traumatised by the past experience but trying hard to ease it by occupying myself with activities.
NOT to say that i am still hooked on anything,but just a little thought.once in a while.


okay,people whom i have decided to tag.
eugene tham,hui xian,ivan,glen,samuel,ying hui,jane.


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