Tuesday, August 26, 2008

he's a fucking right rower too.

he managed to shrug off the toughest paper of this semester last night.yeahhhhhhhhh.
and 2 more days to go before the papers are done.its so fuckign longggggggggggggggggggg.......
and im going to do a hell lot of things this holidays..
though the primary objective is still being able to row out with my beloved C.its been so long since i touched it....
and this time round..i promise myself not to do such heavy weights since im just beginning to go back.i wont want another neck strain or pulled hamstring..
and more delicacies are coming your wayyyyy...

the following is not in any chronological order
  • dim sums at red star.though its okay with anyoldhow restaurants when im with my friends.
  • xiao long baos at DTF.damn..sucha long time already.
  • IKEA chicken leg or swedish MBs.
  • steamboat with my friends
  • sakura buffet with anyone!
  • more time at macritchie!make friends with the irritaing macaques.or prove to ppl that crocs actually exist there.then i'll be the next crocodile hunter!hahahaha
  • get a new haversack form deuter or timberland
  • new chucks.
  • hopefully get my hands on the much acclaimed slim jeans.
though i have friends that are jobbing this holiday.but i feel that its worth it to sacrifice this time for my trainings.afterall,jobs are waiting for you even after you grad.and that training and all these stuff....how are you gonna find all these precious moments next time.so,i guess i will pass it this time round.


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