Sunday, September 07, 2008

reclusive and quiet makes people think that you are anti-social

havent really got much to blog about.cept for the fact that i went on a chalet in the wkends.was rather norm,bbq and stuff but i cant really bring myself to talk,esp to strangers.queer habit which i am slowly acuquiring.i just stone at my seat.and think and think and think.which my mum thinks is unhealthly.

anyway.the first week of hols is over.
next up is maurice's workshops.

this is the first time in my life that i was so happy when i saw the changi airport control tower
-gabriel's recount on his round-ubin expedition

you are really tensed up.must know how to relax.i see you pull the strokes.must slowly breathe in and out.sing a song if it helps.
-nigel on my balancing of the c boat.

people who dont know you might think that you are stubborn.but youre are just too much into your own theory and follow it so fact i admire your brother more for this.
-a family friend whom i spoke to about not doing my part in the bbq.


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