Wednesday, September 03, 2008

downward spiral.

yep.thats what i think about teens these days,esp those that are aged younger than me.and i dont deny the fact that i am also actively participating in this trend.i guess its not something new.i have been seeing this when i was running as a ssg back then in ntss ncc.
juniors were slack.many of them skipped trainings and thought that it was so much more hip to be a hangout kid or to engage in wannabe ah was tough to be a persuading and soft-hearted sergeant to be going out there and asked them to come back for trainings.but i'm so glad that i did that...i bet i was the only one who was so stupid to go after each of them.get them to sit down on one of the benches in the canteen and talk to them about the unit.and asked them if they were free.
back then,i didnt think it was stupid.i just thought,hey just talk to them la.since it was part of my job and the unit was really pathetic when it came to friday trainings.esp fridays since it was TGIF.and everyone wanted their fridays to be hangout didnt mattered to me.since i lived so near town..hehe and i could go there in the night with my mum.haha
and i'm glad,i say again.that i did those stupid least now,when we see each other,i get to say hi or maybe talk to them.maybe it was my unique way of bonding with people around me.

and it was tough also to get my compatriotes to go down to the podium every morning,to tie the national flag,and to raise it every morning assembly.few people wanted to do it.but now,coming to think of it.i don't really despise it..and i don't find it fucking glamorous either.but there was no regrets or negative me a cold-blooded.haha.i bet when wynn reads this,he will be saying this too.haha..and even though i had to do the worst job of shouting commands for the assembly,i dont raelly hate it now.maybe it was part and parcel of my sec school life. nice it was then....

oh,and back to the topic of downward spiral.i think i might get flamed.but anyway.i think kamil is right.on the subject of how newer generations are more lazy and older generations are more hardworking.look at ML,he's living example.haha or mrs mak who always never fails to give us prep-talks.
it only takes one person on orchard road to start donning a gucci lanyard.and everyone begins to wear it.showing it,dangling out of them pockets.and loafers too.and heavy eye makeups.and luxury bags and the list goes on and on and on.
actually,i also really want to have a gucci lanyard too.
but its really ridiculous on the fashion trend.thats why some people comment that sg people have the lousiest dress sense.and i really agree on the part that pairing cheap goods were luxury brands can also boost one's image.although i'm also a label whore.
and talking about teens younger than me.i was so shocked ytd when i read the headlines on home.
"16 year old kid dies in car crash"or something along this line.
its so wtf!he doesnt even have a driver's license and he zips around with his brother's car.and now,you end up gone...its very heartening ya' know.cause this isnt the first car crash accident that i read about.the previous one being a girl's blog i stumbled upon when i was foruming.her friend died in a car crash and the head had to be filled with wax during embalming.the thought of it just freaks me out.and how the girl was complaing on her blog on how wasted it was.that her friend went out with a total stranger and ended up dying from a car crash from a reckless driver.
my condolences...the thought of it just makes me feel so sad.and how i must cherish my life more.though i hate it at times.

and in today's news,of how majority of movie-litterbugs are teenagers.oh fuck it.sometimes,when i go movie outings with my freinds.they also do such stuff.but i am also guilty of it at times.though im not such a large bug.i dont like the idea of leaving what you eaten behind.
and this list can go on.even the idea of getting people to clear up their trays after eating.
and standing up when the national anthem sounds.though i dont do it.but there's a feeling inside me that tells me.hey its your nat anthem,why arent you standing up.

i remember this scene at bangkok,back when i was pri 5.i was on a holiday with my was free and easy time.and we went shopping at a was in the evening and i was walking up the steps of this hypemart.the national anthem sounded.back then i didnt know it was it. or i was rather innocent.i guess or stupid.and i saw everyone.including the roadside hawkers.standing up.then i think.then my parents say.oh."guo ge".and they continued walking.this was one of my first few experinces with nat anthems sounding publicly.i felt quite strange.i thought to myself.shouldnt we be standing too?
and this gradually became more apparent when i went on to secondary school.when i got into ncc.and there was once during speccourse at sispec i think.the nat anthem sounded.and we had to stand upright.
i guess i wont be standing upright any time now.cause i'm so afraid of being the odd one out.and that everyone else would be commenting about me behind my back.
a case of inconfidence?i believe so.

this is a rather long post.
and my mind comes back to the same topic.of my canoe life.
(cause you are in poly.and poly are so damn free.and that they are so much slacker than jc all the more you should be able to you should be able to cope in canoeing.
and cause poly is so damn should have a cca to fill up those free time.and as quoted by jh(not me,and i'm not saying who),canoeing is that it fills your time.and so,you will realise that hey,i only have so little time left,although,in fact,you have quite alot.esp in the holidays.and when your time fills up,you will come to think,hey,i think i must this will drive you to work hard for your modules,so that you can do well.even though you are doing well enuff,and in cases like me,when i feel competition.i will study harder.and this is the driving force for me i hope for these 3 years).sidewise,i think jh is a very good talk to and to drive you on.spur you further.not to say that the others are not as good.maybe i havent had enugg brushes with them.and that can be seen very evidently.
and then to say again.these thigns dont really stress me up.maybe my mind work liek that.maybe my mind works like my mum,who emphasises more on hardworkingness and not working in a smart way.which i'm soooooooo afraid of cause they say that in poly one must be able to work smart.which i think i cant and never can.the thought it just freaks me out.esp in my class where more peopleare picking up the smart approach.and because i think i can never grasp the smart approach.haii.
dont need to be so "ju sang" over this anyway.just do consistently lor.if i cannot work smart like them.i will do doubly most sacrifice more of my time.haha

woah this post is long.i wonder if anyone bothers to read it.
andif youhave read.please tag by.let me know your presence.


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