Sunday, July 13, 2008

conflicts and pushy matters

spent the whole day over at sprint site yesterday.
very very tiring..and things were pretty rush too.from the preparation,late lunch,to the 6km.finally had a rest when everyone was done with their pullups.
still trying to learn the strokes of the C-boat.
y'know,i was wondering why i joined canoeing in the first place.was it the body or was it just the tan.its very demoralising to know that you join these water sports cause of these shows how superficial you are!and many a times,your thinking will escalate into commitments and responsibility.

well,then we arranged for a somewhat impromptu meetup.with wynn and leslie along with the usual fags of 2/3.and i evaluated that some things were pretty much important in arranging an outing.thats why i prefer to spend time with lesser people,preferbly,in small groups of 2-3.
cause things are much easier that way.
you know the amount of time we spent talking in on when and where to meet could be converted precious time.the money spent on those uneccesary calls could be avoided and be used to well,eat smth!
so i've decided that whenever im gonna meet someone,i wld first try to be the one to be called out,instead of organising.and then,will be the most flexible person,so that ican go well with majority.not that i aint.

procrastinated alot,and then cinema hopped.
haiii,saturday typical..everyone's out and spending time with their loved ones.
you see couples aplenty.little punk wannabes and well,rich executives.
what about my saturday nights?
am i gonna spend them,either with family or friends every fornightly.
or am i gonna find someone else to spend with..all those images of lovebirds holding hands and PDAing just makes you feel so inconfident and qurey if youre able to find someone.
just relax.and things will come your dont have to worry one.......

red cliff was pretty was the second period film that i watched on the midnight slot.
the first was prolly the warlords.that flick was pretty chimology.much more than red cliff.and its good!
anyway.the entire film crew of red cliff was great.even though some of my friends weere complaining abotu how they paid for a half-past story.
i felt it was damn awesome.
takeshi was trying to act cute.but he's really damn handsome man!but its quite weird for him to portray zhugeliang.shldnt he be some macho general instead.
and lin chiling,she's the GODDESS man!she oh so tall,so beautiful,and model-like and so...wify towards tony leung.have to say that he's one of the luckiest man to ever walked the world.
though i felt sleepy all along the movie,and the theatre was so chockful of couples,i guess every midnight movie out will be pretyt memorable.


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