Sunday, July 27, 2008

madness is just like just needs alittle push.

well,its been quite a while since i last blogged.
latest craving:japanese pasta.this time,its gonna cost me quite a still trying to save up.
CCA has never has such a place in my life before.not even ncc.this time,it too away my weekend's studying time.all the best jh,rmb the pact?ahaha.3 more weeks.
but it was rather nice was the first time a total stranger spoke to me while i was rowing.
he too was a right rower for the C boat.and he came over to me and asked if i was doing okay.after saying the mechanics of the boat.he asked which sch was i from.and my surprise,he thought i was an ac boy.haha.what a joke...when my boat clearly wrote SP33.haha.anyway,it was nice to have somebody over to tell you jiayou!
need to train harder!and study harder!which means:no more team dinners,no more dragging of time to lepak over at FC5 after cooldowns,no more wasting of time dreaming away,my time,well,how to put it,extra time while im not rowing should be dedicated to least for this remaining 3 weeks.

jiayou jiahong.....dont let madness succumb you again.try to cool down!


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