Friday, July 11, 2008


had class outing!over at PS swensens.woohoo!
its been a long time since i had outings over at PS.the atmosphere was cool.but the menu was rather restricted.thought they had more extensive ones in the past.
so,i ordered a bbq half-chicken.pretty sweet with the bbq sauce.but its more of the talk with friends.
we had been saying about this outing for damn long yesterday everyone decided to make some sacrifices,including me and we ended up having dinner on a weekday night.its so you cant do this when youre in JC at this point of time.haahaha
and i bet we all had a whole lot of time man!


school was shitty,yuen went damn fast with dna replication.and proceeded to mitosis already.
and i broke the promise that i made to myself about eating oily food cause i just took fried oyster today!its really damn good.
and its been ages since i last went to parkway parade.its really good to know that some thigns still remain the same over the years.
and selegie soy bean was also damn good.silky smooth beancurd
tau huay chuwe was thick and nice too.
and bused back to people's park to have soup wasnt that good.but the yong tau foo was damn good!!sadly,they had to raise the price to 3.50.

the world is just going too fast


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