Tuesday, March 04, 2008

its maddening to write a post so early in the morning.

yesterday's meeting was albeit fruitful.and it was one that those that ended earlier than expected.
cabbed home right after.and it was the first day that my notebook's gonna be permanently fixed in my room beside my bed.its one of those few rare times i get to do it while that brother of mine is away for a camp.

i think i should really grow up.like yeah,in terms of thinking wise.and how i handle things.like real how.cause i seem to have screwed up so many of those past attempted relationships.its saddening.i mean like really.i encountered the worst of things.things that happened to friends around me.and i really hope that some of these wont happen to me.like,relationship nowadays are so fragile.
what if one day i got into one,and i found out that,well,i've enough.i think no more feelings.its just so shit right.and if you really found the right one and that you thinks that she doesnt understand you.and that you guys are drifting apart.
i mean,its tough right.like moving on after breaking up.its just so difficult.tell me how to move on when the person has really thought that she settled down with you and hoping that things wont change.

i dont know if im seriously sick or running a temperature by writing all these stuff.
maybe im dreaming,but i think it gets a gazillion years to encounter situations like that in the leap years.im just plain dreaming.


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