Thursday, February 21, 2008

i realised that i have been thinking alot these days.which is really damn alot cause i still have those chunks that i can blog about here..

and i came to a conclusion,or somewad a statement,to put it less harsh.

its only been 1 and a half days and somehow,my thoughts just ran like nothing in my mind.he was definitely right about me thinking much more if i got admitted into a poly.
maybe it had all been a misunderstanding,escalated further by circumstances.i've thought and realised that,maybe she just found a right person whom she could clique with.and you know its like you can talk about everything under the sun that kind of friend.and somehow,i mistook everything.why didnt i thought of this in the first place.and now!look at it and ask yourself why things became like this..wth.

tell me how to pick up the broken pieces to continue.


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