Tuesday, February 26, 2008

penny:haha we shall wait.anyway,the organiser's gone to thailand hasnt she?

and its not that i want to say it here or wad.
i just feel that i cant make my point to quite a few people around me.and then,i will get forced or XX to be participating or else i was pangsehing them.its not fair at all la.i didnt even agree in the first place and now you are trying so hard to persuade me to go.i have already told you that i had things in the afternoon.and reluctantly,i will have to agree.for the best among us.

and i do feel that he does get carried away and go too far at times,especially now.and that at times he's so conscious of him and his own image that people find it ridiculous and irritating at times.when things are so free and that he placed slots for work like almost everyday.and its not fair to my pocket at all.last sunday i went,and lost quite a bit.today im going again.wtfxzxzxxzxzxzxzx

and its not that i want to complain or wad.i know its shit to be writing all these stuff here.and that i cant find a proper channel to say all these things.


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