Saturday, February 09, 2008

well,its cny again!
happy cny dudes

had a fairly great time till now.

eve of cny:
reunion dinner after hanging out at vivo with class.found out gay's greatest secret.
dinner's steamboat was of the best as compared to the others on second and third day.maybe there was shark'sfin.haha
went to watch ah long movie after dinner with brothers..wasnt that bad.mark lee acted gay very well and i like the swearings in the film.
met up with janvin after the movie.and we went supper at spize first.
then went walking around our lovely neighbourhood
wads so great is that,its all so freaking accessible.we could all walk home after hanging out.too bad to those who doesnt live so near.haha
went to robertson quay.and slacked on the colourful bridge.
all the way till 3am.its great.
great night of acting retarded and doing retarded stuff.some of which are censored and i must not say here.hahahah

nothing much on second and third day.
just house visits here and there.its like the norm and i have been doing it for 17 years.if i get bored of it,i dont find why older generations dont get my point is,well,i guess life's changing.its sad to see the decreasing number of people gathering at my aunt's house yearly.everyone's so fucking busy with their own life.and that i dont blame lar.partially,not everyone can have the time like me.happily accompanying my parents to such visits.not that i dont have frens and commitments.haiz.

well,life's like that.and
i do hope my thinking for the rest of the year remains like that though.

i wish i could explain everything.maybe explaining wouldnt help much.things may well get worst after i splurt out things that i shouldnt say.


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