Thursday, March 01, 2007

its intriguing how the mind works.
whenever youre busy and down with work and stuff,you feel as if you cant catch ur breath,busy schedules and heavy workloads crush you complain that your sleep is not enuff even though you had at least 8 hrs.
well,its all a psychology thingy.ppl said,8hrs sleep is more than enuff..
but when you have loads of free time,you feel as if you have the world at your hands,you are able to take your own time and pace to complete stuff,and nobody's gonna bug u for deadlines.

its ironic...

i dunno why but somehow,i seem to have great tolerance over stuff,and i seem to think differently from others...and its seems to set me out from the rest.
its weird to be "outcast" from others...its weird..


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