Monday, February 12, 2007

today was a fun day,started out wif HCL
mr chua explained bout the procedures and things behind HCL and CL,so ive decided to go ahead with hcl,no gonna quite,maybe bcs the pros outweigh the cons.

den was chem prac,very interesting lesson.
had both QA and VA at the same time.
so many breakages and ivan got so freaked out while eugene was washing the conical flask..
there was the sound of glass hitting against the ceramic basin and the sound of dropping the ceramic tiles...

and there was this instance,RH got suaned like nothing by C,he was like
use eye power la,use more la,know nothing but eye power.NP also liddat.everything in the world can use eye power.den everyone go be Cyclops,cause Cyclops have the most powerful was like so darn.....hahs.
and we used conc HCL,for the first time,ppl were like so darn nervous and hands were trembling.

and ya,the three tiered leadership evina was talking about,i guess i belonged to those that cld communicated wif the authorities.

shant talk bout after skl,things were so darn shit.

sometimes,does it matter how others portray you?
it is really so loser to be viewed like one....
so many people are judged by their looks,ppl cant understand wads behind the face....maybe im just too sensitive to comments,taking some really seriously.

and ya,Happy CNY ppl.....
its gonna be a long break,feastin agn..haha...............................................................


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