Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy CNY-Day 2

sometimes,you wont realise how thigns feel until youve been thru them..
see la,mahjong can lose until damn fed up alr.
no flower,no tai...
but sometimes, you just have to accept it and move onjust continue until yur luck comes.
i think i have been thru te shitties stuff,i throw tiles,let ppl win,let ppl pong,let ppl double,cannot win bcs i no flowrr,all these so damn shit.
until once, got 4 tiles and coins came in..
this was the moment that could make me forget all the loss..dunoo why.

gamblers gamble.why?
the feeling of winning is jus so cdamn great that makes u wanna play even more to win.
but once you lose,its its est not to


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