Monday, February 26, 2007

wont get the free meal alr.
not gonna do well for CT.
was at skl,and damn,its agonising to see the unit ROT like this when people are playing dai ti in the room while i try to plan.
so have decideded to walk away.let them play all they want.
really pissed.but wad can i do?
always on the loogi end.i tend to have a weak spot,and believes that i own ppl everything.haiz,just saddening.wad if the society is like this next time,arent i gonna die sooner or later.haiz
2 more wks,money not collected,plan not typed out....sometimes,i just think that oh,theyre gonna get it when they dun do,ive done my part.but it just seems so illogical..wadever.but its just so bored looking at the plan.


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