Sunday, September 20, 2009

i'm losing faith in whatever i do.its not that i don't like canoeing/going out/hanging out with friends/reefkeeping.Its just that i don't have that drive to maintain the continuity anymore.Its like i am just doing it for the sake of going on.I want to find something that excites me.okay.maybe for the exception of almost always has something new in store for us:)

okay,i really want to have a good dinner AGAIN with my pals,sitting down and having buffet until the shop closes,smth like rei's bday.what could be better than that.just relac.sometimes i really wish that i do not have to worry about the time and what's gonna come up tomorrow morning so that i could fully enjoy myself and without worrying that i do not have enough money to pay up for the services/food.all these things really destroys the enjoyment process


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