Monday, September 07, 2009

i must say.i have been very stressed,over trainings.i can't believe it,its just days into the holidays and i feel myself overwhelmed by the amount of trainings.its not that i can't accept.but,it's sorta like breathing down my neck already.maybe i need to plan out a list of what i wanna do this holidays.then maybe i wont be procrastinating everyday on why training is taking so much time.
i know the amount of trainings i have to clock.and i know it when i'm suppose to go down,the fact that training everyday...just lands me into thinking space again.hai.


Anonymous Jereld said...

its not gonna be easy. definitely. we've been doing this for so long. lets do this further. together , all the way till the POL-ITE. till then, will we enjoy our fruits of success of sacrificing moments of our lives, dedicated into this passion and doing well for it.

11:33 PM  

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