Thursday, May 21, 2009

rigour mortis

i am highly elated to have received news that the shifting of boats for the upcoming IWF have been postponed.i am so bloody glad about this.this means no more kallang chap,no more capsizes and more time in between trainings and school.and more free time for me.and jerald mentioned about the water being infected by bacteria.luckily man.and i hope by the time its IWF,the water's been cleared of all the nasty enterococcus or whatnots.

things aside.i have been acting like a robot this,going home.sleep,school,training,and of course thinking.but the daydreaming part have been rather slack these days.most of it is being used up by sleep in class.i mean naps.sorry.i guess life's gonna be like that until after comms.or perhaps,until the time i choose to take a break.

and i think i'm a wuss.seriously,i need some guts.


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