Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sports 2

Poly was easy piece of shit,as compared to partial fractions,molecular biology,analytical chemistry and general paper in JC.This was just the beginning.Things got worse as Mrs Mak gradually went fast and faster and how she spoke about our future in SP's School of CLS.
Term1 sem 1 came by,and term 2 went past rather quickly.Soon,wednesdays had became compulsory trainings for us.
In the first place,i thought K1 was a tough category.Soon,i realised my piece of crap was worst,C1 was hell,i soon found stroking unimportant,plain and useless.I thought i was just weak!and lousy.And i didn't realise this folly till now,on how stroking was so fucking IMPT.But all hope was not lost,i can still improve.
C1 wasn't what i expected.It didn't turn out to be.I had thought that it was impossible when back in CJC and everyone had their time to try out the boats.I saw how hwa jie sprinted up the lagoon and how his boat glided through the calm water.It was fucking awesome i thought to myself.and i didn't expect myself to be in the shoes,a few months later.It was like a fairytale.

Initial passion was easy for me.I always had passion whenever i saw how good others were.This worked for me till until then,when i realised that some other things in life were much for impt than canoeing.Things drifted abit,but i managed to pull all these back.Just in Time.



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