Saturday, December 13, 2008

Afraid of Balls?Afraid of Water?

i was at bugis just now.managed to convinced my mum to get me a pair of shorts.cause i told her i would be wearing them most of the time.
it was as always,C-R-O-W-D-E-D.but quite cool as well,got to see lots of things.lots of fashion and other stuffs.and my dad to comment on those trucker caps worn by mats which can fit 2 heads.he asked me why people like to wear like that nowadays.
i told him,aiya,not us.its just them.

for twice,i am on the same tpic as yesterdat when i was with wynn.he mentioned that they have a very good fashion sense and paired things really can just omit their nike sandals with skinnies style,trucker caps.and of others.
but i think their idea of 3 quarter sleeves shrit with berms is quite ingenious.and also their slim shoes with berms style.lots of people are following it nowadays.

and i havent been writing much thoughts about life nowadays.i realised that i have been losing my sense of self-discipline.its very important to not be complacant over some seriously,some things you can just get emo over it for like over a few months then when life returns and kicks you back to norm,you lose that few goals you set for yourself when you were emoing and those few goals that you promised yourself to accomplish.

and well,i seriously,like seriously have to get over my kan-chiongness,but i think that its so much better now,as compared to when i first joined the team.had late lunch with the few sprinters that went for polo and they mentioned that if i was playing during 3v3,and when i have the ball in my hand,and that there was an alumni who called out my name in the crowds,(JIAHONG!),i would most probably turn to him and throw him the ball.XD
its like so damn buttery fingers+rashness+unstableness+dno how to relac

oh wells..


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