Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Life Standstill

it sucks.being in exam mood at this time of the year where everyone else i partayyying,or rather,to be more precise,expecting a huge economic downturn.
and youre here,counting down your days to friday noon,where you have one day or more to relac and then training starts.you feel damn shit,cause for the last two or three weeks,you havent been training and all that fat accumulation and oily shtixzzx that you eat havent been burnt.

and sometimes i wonder if i would really go faster if i consume some oily stuff ie.roast pork,bbq chicken wings,hot dogs from FC6,spicy drumlets from FC6;rather than eliminating all of them out of my training week and allwoing myself to indulge only when the weekends comes.i wonder...