Monday, December 29, 2008


what a good way to end the year with,a holiday in bangkok.5 days in sin city.wah power siol.
the food,the sights,the mega malls,the fakes,the girls,the serviced suites.wahlao.memory overload.and not to say the food on the plane.the air stewardess.i thinking being an air steward is qutie get to travel...and thats your job!cool isnt it.but i suppose these kind of things have a height limit.and of course,looks.

5 days is pretty much.and i get attached to the life there like for quite awhile.every morning,waking up to the curtains beside your bed.having buffet breakfast with muesli cereals,buttered toast,bacon,eggs done omelette style..omg..and then now its like that."smacks".
back to busy life for a few days.then its NEW again.then the big thing in another 3 weeks time.then i'm gonna take a break.and study.

and i've been thinking about it alot these few weeks,even during the trip.and i just can't seem to forget about it.considering XXXXX.


Blogger Andrew Tan said...

i know whats XXXXX. Its QIZHI. I will let him know your feelings :).

12:44 AM  

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