Friday, November 07, 2008


well,its lepak day.dress up day.eating out day.hanging out with friends and lastly,private time day.
and this week,i figured out that i have been doing some things too out.spending too much.
lets see,monday i accompanied them to sew the spray decks,chomped at clementi chicken after that.
tuesday,had training and then went back home,switched on com and started rotting on EB.
wednesday,had training and then got home,did a bit of research on greg poi's tutorial and carbohydrates practical.and then rotted on EB.
thursday,had training,went to clementi cze char to dinner.till late.reached home at 11pm.switched on com,msned and rotted on EB.

one thing's for EB's leveling up pretty fast.=Dhaha.
another thing's for sure,i havent really studied this past week.not excatly just this past week,the previous 2 weeks.
and another thing's surely happening,my left thigh aches like roasted chicken drumlets.good sign,means i stretched on wednesday's waterworks.

i can't stop relating K4 paddlers with their waterproof caps.
and i was telling yyh how much i wanted to row a K4 with them yesterday during PUB.but well,its still a long wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
and team jersey's are well on the wayyyyyyyyyyy..finally something to fight with my ex-cjc mates.i got getting my jersey!


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