Thursday, October 30, 2008

Now that it's all said and done,
I can't believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down,

i strongly second what tmz said over debrief just now,that we shouldnt see the training plan and decide whether to attend trgs.i think its bloody true.and its okay for me,just no pushups,im a pussy..i cant take pushup and pushup mongers.and yes!i manage to retrieve back my M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N.

i promised myself that i should try to do least if i cant.
do manage to last.i still have something to look least a participant or something.that i have achieved something.
remember hanxun?remember gabriel?remember timothy?gerald?cephas?hwajie?and all the other cj canoiests? should prove to them that you can stay on and might as well pwn them in champs next year.
and i know that this kind of drive will not last long.i must find soemthing to replace it...sooner...

and all those going for RUKR.i have faith in you guys.and even though i am not participating,i will help you guys to carry the boats and etc on the day before.and very impt,must control diet ah!


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