Monday, September 29, 2008

Nature or Nutured?

well,i have come to terms with myself for being increasingly introverted and quiet since i grad and came into poly this year.
things are so different and i find myself with empty slots and no one to spend with.most prominently,friday afternoons.i used to hang out with friends on TGIFs.but since now.i find myself wandering around on my own,walking around aimlessly after i am done with my primary objectives.and whats worst is to see couples.holding hands,guys hand around girl's waist.pretty girls with average guys.ugh!
well,sometimes,i do feel it.but for most of the time i try to shrug it off and not think about it.
its until the past week that i start to think about these issues again.sian manxzxz

and being more reclused,i somehow think that i get to enjoy myself more.but also find it boring at times.good example would be my longing to get into a club feeling.
and i don't see myself spending alot of times with friends,close or cliques,either they have their own program,eg. classes,cca,classes. or that i don't have time when they are free.
you can call it sacrifices manxzxz.


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