Tuesday, July 17, 2007

finally another chance to use the com...
there's ce yan tmr,so sian....

actually wanted to write about the article i saw on sunday times last wk..but i think i dont have the rights to comment bout it...wad is the worst thing to be in life than a follower...you suck up to other people's butt and help them clear up the shit and the worst thing is tht you dont have your own midset and the things you wanna do.....it just sucks...where has all the fucking dignity gone...down the drain?or eaten by dogs.....you see i just cant seem to change myself..you know when i try to not be bullied by others,i just feel that im acting very anti towrds them..or maybe its not my usual self...and look,today in the lab,i was trying to "be my new self"and evina said that i was attacking her and being hostile....wtf....ahh,i dont want to be a follower for every other thing....i want to be recognised...ahh....

i dunno if the viewrs understand wad im trying to say,at least one person that i relate to understands but somehow he doesnt know the solution....why is that so difficult to change...

if i dont change i cant survive in the outside world..i must be street-smart and learn to twist certain situations...and be above all at least for some of the time...

and the teachers are all pressing us...look how tormented we were after bio today...i guess to some scoldings would never work,so he might have tried to use softer methods....and i suppose everyone got the msg...and evina was like,you saw that...so sad for him..cause c was like gonna tear..and for shit we kena shellled during chem lessons....does he expect all to answer his qn...

and mr lim was pressin everyone for the maths clusters..so many..and i kept asking stupid qns....or maybe i shld shut when i have nothing to say other than maths...

the world is more than meets the eye."i guess you study too much,triplescience guy, go experience the world more man."
"i was like you last time,until i realise how innocent i was"
"gonna waste my life after Os"



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