Sunday, June 10, 2007

well,it ended..maybe finally or maybe indefinitely..
its sad,you know.i dont know if i fit into their clique..sometimes it makes me kinda wonder...though wei shi's always trying to show care to those around...maybe its just that i dont talk enuff yea...

yea its sad ,i know..haiz...i just cant express my feelings fully here..
just now,i was thinking so way so much and now its wordless here..

rahavan's butter chicken was good..and youtube has a vid of the original ad..yea and its still funny..

no ball la...its the last day man..and you left without even saying goodbye or anything...shit you...someday im gonna smack the daylights out of you idiot..and dont come begging me for chances...nvm.just some crap...
oh please...its not important,gosh so wad if she's cute..hell man,wad youre thinking...thinking too didnt even do anything....and you only did activites with her once ok..and its introduced...haii..stopp thinking about it jiahong...face it..have a good sleep and tmr is zoo day..just get it off your mind..its impossible that all the stupid things that you thought will happen...


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