Saturday, June 16, 2007

im back.
it has been a fast week..days gone by so much time spent on travelling..but overall it was good..oh it better be good cause we paid 300

Day 1:
travelled all the way up to Perak..bus journey lasted like 12 hours.yep.but stopped a few relieve ourselves and stuff.first destination in perak was Lata Kijiang waterfall
.kinda enjoyable but things got alil caught up when they played too much.someone's slippers got stuck in between the rocks and the slippery waterfall..oh well,lesson lerant.not to play there.took a few shots.and later on went on to Gopeng.had to stopover at a town and transfer onto a lorry.had a bumpy lorry ride into the campsite..had dinner and made ourselves comfortable...suay again..the stilits broke and we had to make do with wad we have..shit..first day so many things happen already.though the lorry ride was fun.can feel the wind in your face.

Day 2:
went downright dirty and went rafting next.good thing i changed grp with the not its damn shit..had quite alot of fun seeing the stalagmites and stalactites.but the cave was darn dusty and smells of bat poo i guess..there was also traces that the communists used the cave during the 80s to hide from the the authorities..scribbles of words worshipping Chairman Mao.
rafting was good.not as bad as i thought out to least im able to swim abit.very

kinda tired.dun want to go on anymore.those that want to see the potos i will develop them..very scenic picutes i have here.=DDD


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