Thursday, April 09, 2009

warped in time

i like to think alot.although it may not appear so on the surface.i like to think alot during bus rides.especially so when i plug in my ipod and i let the songs that i like to hear run.

today 09/04/2009

had late breakfast with the leftover guys at KAP.emo zj and comical anchun was around.i swear the sausage mcmuffin with egg that i had is smaller than pamela anderson's boobs.then,i saw weiliang,ex-colleague from num,with his gf.should be the same one.
took 75 direct back to home.and this is where the whole thing started.
a friendly ah cek got up the bus around hollland area,took a seat on my right,i was seating on the outer seat.then,he beo me.once.then i continue listening to my ipod.then he beo me again,then i thought,maybe its coz i was wearing the striking red jersey.then nevermind.then he beo me again,then i beo him back.
he alighted at the same stop as me,apparently going to grand copthorne to work.i hope so.
after i pressed the bell and tried to stand up to leave my inner seat(i shifted in),my head got koked onto the aircon ventilator,and he opps-ed!then when i walked towards the door,he asked;" in canoe team?"then i said uh.and i alighted.
this is my second brush with another ah cek,first being on the train towards ten penis during mr500.this guy apparently tried to remind me that my ID card was dropping when it was hung onto my bag.(i placed my bag on the floor)

its 12.18pm.time is precious,don't waste it like how you waste hotel water when you brush teeth.

today,i think and think and think and i finally got it.time is precious!
why am i spending/wasting my time on canoeing.long weekends ahead.4 days.cause today alot of pinoys were on 75,apparently going for mass on easter eve.
you see,so many things happened since O levels ended.i joined num and i quit.people joined num and they quit.i went cjc and i dropped out.people went cjc canoeing and they managed to balance on their boats already.2 semesters/1 year has passed,and i got a gpa of 2.7.
out of the newtowners that i reckon.many has led their own lives.many has gotten the other half.(i not despo)
how may nights of mambo has passed since semester break begun.i have been staring at the crowd on mambo nights,probably everytime.the number of las vegas ladies i have seen.(countless).number of times i have gone.(0)
what will i be doing if i hadn't joined canoeing.would i be wasting time away with glen and wynn and company,trying to play maple/dota when apparently i am not cut out to play.or would i be a nerd/emo,always spending time with myself,lsitening to my ipod and taking long bus rides.
and would i have had a girlfriend?(i not despo,i say again)
time is precious,don't waste it like water.
how many cross-country races have you seen at macritchie since semester break started and you went for morning row.probably 2?
i must seriously plan my time and not waste it on hopeless internet surfing anymore.its been 3 months since my 18th has passed.i have got classmate whom has already almost gotten their car license already.
i want to:
get a car license
get an open water diving cert
get a uniqlo tee
eat buffet and eat western food(but can also eat until sian one)
get a new fish tank(but i don't think its possible)

i think i have been saying all these since semester break,semester break is ending soon in one week's time.
i swear i sibeh gao tu.i have wasted 4 fucking weeks of my time and i havent register yet.wahlan eh
no more hesitation.i think i going to bukit batok soon.

把爱收进胸前左边口袋.(that means the heart lar.)


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