Thursday, November 27, 2008

Final feat of rebellion

i think its rather mull over your own cca and end your own life cause of it.
not surprisingly,singapore may have more of such cases in the years to come.
The essence of it is the education system,whereby cca is so highly regarded by everyone.its like,"oh,of course its always better to have one.easier to go uni mah".

hmm,and of course,at this age.cca is not just a cca.its more of a passion thingy.

and in other stuffs.i don't particularly like some modules this sem,anatomy just be memorising it at such a late time.i guess consistency still beats it..what happened during the first few weeks of school man!
and CD,that knnbccb module and the coordinators. would like to just sua sua ki this least get a C+ or whatever.i absoutely find no meaning in this.maybe,its a way of teaching us teamwork or a way of getting us to learn how to handle stuffs.but oh wells.the bottomline still sucks.just get it over faster and done with.i want to use this extra time to study other modules.period!


Blogger huixiantheflautist said...

LOLS ! i thot u say relaxx de . I TOTALLY AGREE TAT A&P SUCKS TO THE MAXX !

12:05 AM  
Blogger jiahong said...

ya.relax la. for awhile la.

4:39 PM  

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