Monday, November 17, 2008

stress bodohX2!

stress aint good for your induces acne.=D
work,have to start!
its the time of the term again.where activities come to a slowdown and you tend to feel all emo about things surrounding cheer up and tell yourself what your initial goals are and try to stick to em.and in the process,learn from it.which i hope is doable.

had class lunch today,not exactly what ya call a class lunch.cause the girls were separated from the guys.two tables,6 people in each table.
food was average,considering that you just had to pay $1,(note $1!!!!) and you got to have assorted timsum which wasnt really assorted cause there was only siew mai and har gow.the siew mai was as expected and the har gow was terrible.but hey.$1 only.
and the rice was not really nice.but still consumable.
but the best part was the waffles.glenn did the most tantalising thing when everyone was full to their stomachs.he put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the warm waffle.and spread it out like how you would do to butter on a slice of bread.and then,he slowly slice piece by piece and showed us how the ice cream sank into the wells of the belgian of it now makes my hungry about it.

and i realised that xu is rather very long winded.he can go on and on and on about things.he spoke about the economy and how Sg treasured meritocracy over citizenship rights.which clearly i had no obvious stand on either side.quite sian but sometimes i like to listen to adults telling story.but i got bored after awhile....


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