Friday, October 10, 2008


the song's been playing in my mind since training ended today.i bet i heard it somewhere,i think is that gig at bugis that eug was playing at a few years ago.maybe like sec 3?

school's gonna start like in 2 days?
training will be back to tentative tues,thurs and sat.i have to see if i can make it on wednesdays.
its gonna be stressed up and my abilities to cope are gonna be tested.sigh.....

and lately,the junior team has been rather off morale.i have no idea what happened and why this caused so much troubles for us.i hope this thing could tide!

and damn it!
financial recession's imminent.damn the society and i don't understand why the government cannot suppress all these rising costs.can't they subsidise it like how M'sia did for their petrol in the past?its really money money!
i think i have to live a bread and butter life next sem.cai png forever and everzxzxz.

and to end it off.
life's short.enjoy it.and live it well.healthy(not too overly conscious with health though.still must pamper oneself at times).


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