Sunday, May 13, 2007

hmm,considerating to be a clt..wad a joke..
maybe its an impulse saying..i mean how much can i contribute..and now,im looking forward to my passing out..its so one point,you are thinking how you are able to keep ur hair,being free without any teachers disrupting you..
and plus,its a good experince,i mean the course....atfer hearing wad my cuz said..but im beginning to think how thsoe days cld be free....well,its not the time yet,i still got a long time to make up my mind..

how vulnerable is friendship....and im always in a situation whereby i offend and my words..hah.
had a terrible start today..wld be good if i hadnt had a churning stomach when i tried to sleep...guess i kena gastric can i recover or shld i take an mc..


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