Tuesday, May 01, 2007

hmm,been a lousy wk..
its the exams period and i find myself slacking away.
nd gosh,just now when i saw the calendar,those that show in months interval,i found out that its just another wk b4 everything finishes...woohoo...i more week,maybe i shall just concentrate for this week..

haiz,my house is in a mess..i guess my bro's getting too out of hand...anyway,its not my prob..its his life,just cant stand some things that he does to irritate me,causing me to fly into rages and end up fighting...lol..and in the end,i still have to give in to him...haiz.sad life..i rather spend my time out of house when he's ard....

and the o lvl fears seem to be ok after the MYEs...i think ill be playing alr...lol..and i cant wait to start training agn..to think that this strain can cost so much...


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