Thursday, April 12, 2007

planned out some of my schedule..but cant follow...ah.....
took me like an hour to type out the humans essay..

often,life is most wonderful when you least expect it...look at those times in the past...too bad u didnt cherish
just look at last time,few months ago...the gym was not as packed and you could easily finish up in 1 hr time,but now..look at that...ahhhhhh....its like 3 ppl working out the many ppl ,yet so little stations

den that NAPFA,damn E for 2 to get silver...
the transformations test,waster too much time on calculating the shear factor,ended up losing like 7 marks,cause i leaft out 3 qns...its doable,just that i need more time...ahhh

im actually an easily influcened person,and now i feel that im a much more unstable person..becoming more hostile to those ard me..haiz....
today's international friendship day..and i have such good frens...=X
i must stand my grounds,hold on to wad i believe and think and be myself,dun let how others think affect me.....i just have that little que dian,and maybe that humji that will destroy my future.


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